Project Summary 📄
What is Jar It ? 📖
You wish to work in a more quiet and peaceful place where swearing out loud is a faraway memory? Jar it will help you turn those nasty habits on occasion to contribute to actions you care about! With your team, agree on the amount you will have to pay for each swears you’ll dare to pronounce, and choose the association you want to support!
How does it work ? ⚙️
Every user can register and create their Jarees*, and invite his team to participate. There is no limit on the number of participants. The owner of the Jaree can manage roles for each member, giving them availability to report other members’ swears.
What is a Jaree ? 📦
Jaree represents collect to fund actions, associations. It starts when all members vote ready for it, after agreed on the amount for swearings, the finishing date and/or the maximum amount, and the associations they want to support_.
Jaree creation ? 🎉
On creation, users will have to set these 4 parameters:
- The amount of each swear (from 00.10€ to 02.00€)
- The maximum balance of the Jaree (from 05.00€ to 50.00€)
- The end date of the Jaree
- The association targeted
What happens next ? 🤭
Once the Jaree has started, every time someone’s swearing out loud, he will have to report it in the app. Someone else could also declare it but they will need to be an admin and justify with a quote. The Jaree will keep in memory all swearings pronounce by the team, and do the math to resume “who owes what” ! When the time is up or the maximal balance is exceeded, members will be invited to participate in the raising via PayPal integration.
These are the basic functionalities, Jar it will provide much more, such as graphical charts, comparison between Jarees …
Contact ✉️
Feel free to Submit new issue if you have any suggestions or wish to learn more about certain aspects of this project.